Friday 21 October 2011

Reading and More in Depth studying...

Nicole suggested a reading a post from Rosemary, which I am still in the process of reading through. However noticing a few points that are interesting to me.

- Money in Schools for Dance
- Last in the National Curriculum
- 13% Increasing population in Dance

As I am still reading through this document I will not go into depth with these points, however it does give me more guidance on my inquiry as to what to use. This has a definite input into what I am thinking as the Dance Education subject is something that interests me for the future of my Professional Practice and career.

Concerning me that the National Curriculum put Dance last in the list giving the impression the subject is not of an importance. With schools using healthy schemes for eating to stop obesity increasing the placing Dance in the lower end astonished me as this is a physical activity shouldn't this be place higher to increase the popularity and healthy lifestyle? Somehow I believe that this may change in a few years as recently the popularity of Dance across country has somewhat expanded extremely fast due to talent shows.
A conversation between a fellow dancer and I in London this week was discussed on the topic of the training in dancers and whether it is needed. My input was that many of the dancers in the commercial industry have little technical training and more 'class' training i.e LA and New York classes. She agreed with me, however said that those dancers are extremely strong in there field but in this day and age a dancer has to be able to perform most genres and this comes from vocational training and degree level.
This then leads me onto choreographers in the commercial industry and what they have to offer, most of them have been trained technically however some haven't. I suppose if you have a talent then use it and show your abilities but I feel in the industry it seems like you should all have to be qualified the same to be taken seriously.
This is how I feel about the X Factor...its a complete joke giving of the impression that having a Talent and wanting to Perform are a joke and this is why the prospect of dance in the education is lower than a Maths Degree.

Does anyone agree or am I rambling???

This is building my inquiry into the transition of becoming a teacher. See what you think..

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