Wednesday 7 March 2012

Sunday 4 March 2012


Reading through the Reader 7 and coming across a link called SWOT, I have decided to dig a little deeper and figure out my Strengths and Weaknesses....I feel this may benefit me and provide more levels of what I need to improve on whilst undertaking this course, and now slowly coming to the end of it. This is something I feel will help me in my practice after....

Strengths- Demonstration skills (Always attend classes), Communication, Organisation skills, Time management, Allowing myself to be approachable, Fun, Loud, Perfectionist, Good correction technique, technology skills.

Weakness- Running out of a class to teach somewhere else, Rushing around (too much on my schedule), Writing skills, Critical analysis,  Too strong when talking to students, Eye contact

Opportunities- Can attend English classes to provide help towards Critical thinking and writing skills, PGCE for more qualification in teaching, more classes for demonstration, allowing my communication skills to expand especially with children, Using more social networks for networking with people within my industry and learning from more experienced teachers.

Threats- Other teachers, Cutting back on classes would equal a financial issue, Attending english class before and it running me down, Communication is an ongoing skill, would this ever be improve to the maximum.

Analysing this I feel that everything I do is an asset to me, however I need to change some of it as it becomes unprofessional eg. rushing round. This would leave me in a situation that would lack my financial income....
This is a good way to stop and think about what it is you have and need, I feel I could do this every 6 months to see if any of my Strengths or Weaknesses have altered and become better. Reflecting on what I have said before is my Weaknesses, the writing skills have always been is this catorgery. I feel that they are improving but still need more expanding on, this is something that will come in time. However, I do feel I need to make quicker improvements for my teaching to evolve and my weaknesses to become an asset to my original strengths. Using this may improve this...