Thursday 12 April 2012

Students as Participants

To determine the name of the inquiry, it was essential to pilot interviews various participants. By interviewing these participants it would enable a idea of a general repsonse and the possibilies of forming one. Using more participants allow a slightly higher opportunity to form a response desire to the inquiry. However, the desired response is dependant on specific elements such as partipant interest, resreach methods used and the eviroment of the interviewing process.

Currently undergoing the Critical Review on Part one I felt it was necessary to explain the reasons of using the student participants in my resreach. Including the benefits for them and my research.

Student as participants concluded to be beneficial from the piloted studies of allowing the opportunity of a slightly more definite generalisation to be formed. By using more students, data could be generalised better and form to one response. From the piloted interviews, it concluded that the responses from each of the participants did not allow me to form one specific answer to the inquiry question.

Additionally, using students as participants allows them to learn and take into considerations their fellow participants views. When participants have an interest in the subject their involvement becomes more increased and enables them to truly elaborate on their opinions.

However, there is an indication that using students could slightly invalidate my data. This could happen from the influences of guardians. 'Pushy' parents could influence their child's thoughts and aspirations when they are choosing their career goals. I have realised that this is something that I would not be able to control, and would be a risk I would have to take.

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