Monday 4 April 2011


Through reflecting my profession I am starting to answer many questions and explore further.

What in your daily practice gets you really enthusiastic to find out more about?

Enthusiasm comes from enjoying an activity you enjoy. As mine is Dance and it just happens to be my job I always have questions about everything. My questions about teaching are- What if everybody danced, what would the world be? slimmer no obesity? Even more obsession with weight and image? Would people live longer as they would be more fit and healthy? Should it be a sport in the Olympics? As Ballet is a very technical and demanding genre of dance it helps- Posture, Alignment and Pose would people prevent injuries in older age and be stronger?

This is a very far fetch questions as not everybody loves to dance- but its the same as,
What if everyone played Football or Cricket? Would the world be different or would everyone clash having the same hobby?

What gets you angry or makes you sad? Who do you admire who shares your feelings or has found away to work around the sadness or anger?

Generally the main subject that gets me angry is unsupportive people. I have mentioned in previous blogs on Nicole's page that family members around me are negative and unsupportive. It feels like they think Im wasting my time and its not a "proper" job. If someone is happy shouldn't you just support them and be happy for them anyway? 
Repeatedly I have invited them to shows and numerous events but still as it isn't a full time job yet "9-5" it doesn't count as I job. Constantly I am explaining what I am doing and what it is for. The older generation are very traditional and backwards- So makes me question- How would they react if they were with the 21st century? or What if I made loads of money of one job? What would they do if one day I was famous? Again far fetched but just makes you think sometimes. I keep trying to say everyone starts somewhere and everybody is a nobody at first you it have to work hard.

I admire my immediate family and my partner as these are the people that are going to be around and really support me with what I do. They always say just keep trying and it will happen one day. I always have to vent to them on the negative feedback I get off others  and I admire what they give back to me. 
Several of my friends have moved to London and are away from home chasing their dream...Is this the next step for me? Will I gain more success moving to a different city?

What do you love about what you do? Who do you admire who also seems to love this or is an example of what you love? 

My passion is dance and being able to teach and choreograph my own work with other dancing is very rewarding. Most of my classes are teaching children aged 3-8, I love being apart of their learning ability as they are growing up. Especially teaching the younger children where they remember what I do and enjoy themseleves. The expression I love the most is when they are laughing and smiling, then most rewarding time is when they enjoy it. Defiantly dampens your methods when they get bored and tired easily. 

The person I admire the most with the same career as mine is my friend, Natalie who currently teaches dance and fitness to adults and children. She has a hectic life involving classes and training all year round, but loves what she does. 

Most dancers are all for themselves and don't help one another out, however she has been exceptional loyal and helpful to me. As she is slightly older than me, she has a head start and knows what she is doing so helping me is no worry to her with her already working and running a business.
Particularly in one area- Zumba is a new craze with everyone in the fitness industry, it is extremely popular and hard to get on a course. Natalie ask her trainer to hold a training day in Manchester and told me straight away to book, within 30 minutes the class was fully booked. There are no other training days for 6 months now.
I found this extremely loyal and kind, as this is a great help for myself with it bringing more work daily. Helping others make you feel better about yourself.

What do you feel you don’t understand? Who do you admire who does seem to understand it or who has found away of making not understanding it interesting or beautiful, or has asked the same questions as you?

Understanding is having knowledge. This industry is complicated, with many different rules for employers and artists. 
Having attended numerous auditions and castings many outcomes have occurred. With some being my height, skin colour, age and simply not right for the role. What bothers me the most is when the employers invite you to the closed casting or audition and then turn you away. This is very frustrating for me as travelling from Manchester to attend 99% of auditions and castings doesn't come cheap.
Finding out that many dancers are employed by either mutual friends or previous producers/directors from other jobs, I feel this is extremely biased and makes it more difficult for countless new dancers entering the industry.
Many of my friends understand the same as me but when sometimes not understanding makes it interesting. When you attend and try to figure out who the panel will pick. Then picking at your brain why they chose you or didn't. Makes life more interesting and makes you step your game up even more and become better in your field. 
However, questions always come to mind....

What would have happened if I had different hair? Different skin? If I was taller? If I wore heels? If I wore different clothes?

Has an event, experience or incident prompted questions that you would like to find out more about?

Having a recent conversation with a head teacher about education and sports activities. Combining sports, fitness and education together helps keep the minds active and gives them variety. It also helps them with their education and having fun at school so its doesn't seem like a chore for them.
It did prompt some questions for me:

Would teaching Maths and Science be more successful with combining with sports and dance?
Would combining a dance lesson with 45 minutes Maths and 45 minutes dance help faster success rates?
Do children use dance and fitness of a way out of standard education?
Do children think it is an easier career step? Everyone can me it?

The teaching and dancing industry are completely different aspects to my life. Prompting many questions for me I defiantly want to figure it all out and gain positive outcomes. 

How has everyone found their own inquiries? 

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